My hair is very important for me and has always been.
When I was a little girl, my mum would take care of my hair like it was gold and it showed!
People could tell that my hair was taken care of and would compliment me a lot on it.
I see people colouring their hair or relaxing it but for me it's a deliberate no no! I need to know that my hair is in full health, all the time, hence why any type of alteration isn't something I am ready to consider.
I do spend quite a lot of time on my hair which is something people struggle to understand as they just see the process as tedious and time consuming, while I simply consider it as me-time and pampering. I take care of myself through haircare. It is a great feeling.
At 16 I decided to relax my hair as I wanted to do the hairstyles everyone could do, all these things I could see in magazines. Now looking back I am very sad that this is something I felt I had to do, because it simply wasn’t, my hair was great as it was!
Interestingly, I made this decision even though I have benefited from a very strong support system from family members who always praised natural hair. This tells a lot about the impact everything that’s outside our own home can have on us, especially at such a young age…
I stopped relaxing a while ago but I can still see the bad effects it had on my hair texture, even after a big chop! I am still angry at myself for this...
Another thing I am angry at... big brands using more curly haired (mostly black) profiles than ever, not because they realise the importance of diversity but because it's on trend. It's frustrating because so inauthentic!