Many women still struggle to wear their hair natural but it’s by trying that you will end up embracing it!
I was 13 when I started to alter my hair nature, mainly because of someone I knew who was working in the haircare industry in America. This person told me that I needed to straighten my hair as it was too nappy and bushy.
In addition to listening to such opinion, I could also notice many women around me straightening and relaxing their hair, which clearly had an influence on my decision.
Much later on, as an adult, my interest for natural hair techniques started growing. I remember all these videos of girls on Youtube going through their wash day routines, products choices, but also showing what can actually be done with our hair.
I remember seeing wash day as a day-long task but this was mainly because I didn’t know to care for my hair properly and didn’t have any knowledge when it came to the products to use. The first time the man who is now my husband asked me out, I told him I couldn’t meet because I was doing my hair, he obviously took this as a sign of me not being interested.
Things have now changed, the time I dedicate to such process is much shorter because I educated myself and I am now fully able to see what’s good for my hair and what isn’t.
When looking at the ingredients list I make sure that I can pronounce them all. If not, I simply don’t bother with it. There are so many natural elements that can fulfill our hair needs, why should we go for mediocre options?